Biden spokeswoman promises pivot from Trump-era press relations

After four years of extreme tension between the news media and Donald Trump’s White House, incoming White House press secretary Jen Psaki is promising a much more respectful and informative relationship under Joe Biden’s administration. “I think more than any point in history, and I don’t want to be overly dramatic … part of the job of the White House press secretary is to rebuild trust with the American people,” Psaki told National Public Radio in an interview released on Thursday. “My goal every day will, of course, be to be truthful and transparent and to help peel the curtains back for not just the media and reporters, of course, those are the people in the room, but for the American people,” she said. Without naming her four predecessors who served Trump, Psaki’s comments can be interpreted as a criticism of them, all of whom were accused of dodging transparency and peddling falsehoods to reporters. Trump’s presidency kicked off four years ago with his then-press secretary Se...