The New Yorker Magazine Bids Adieu To Trump As President With Cheeky Cover

Cartoonist Barry Blitt has been creating Donald Trump-themed art for The New Yorker magazine since 2015. “I can’t thank Trump enough,” he told the publication back in 2017. “Maybe, when he leaves office, in 2024, I’ll be able to claw my way out of the rubble and shake his hand to express my gratitude personally.”

His vision will arrive sooner than he had anticipated, as, come 20 January 2021, Trump will leave the office and a new man will be sworn in. Blitt’s latest piece for the magazine marks the end of an era, as it is his last New Yorker cover published during Trump’s presidency.

The illustration, titled A Weight Lifted, is as cheeky as it is symbolic. It depicts an eagle, a heroic American icon, carrying a reluctant and scowling Trump in the skies. 

The image seems reminiscent of the infamous Trump Baby blimp flown in numerous protests, though the possible reference hasn’t been confirmed.

The artwork appears on The New Yorker magazine’s 25 January issue, now on stands.


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